Thursday 13 April 2006

My computer is in dock again, despite last week's work it still keeps switching itself off. I get nervous about losing work and have been furiously copying new music to a flash drive. It's rather annoying that I don't have access to Finale as I've been motoring through a new piece for London Concord Singer's 40th anniversary concert in November. I've done settings of 3 light-hearted Latin lyrics and have tried to deliver something which is faster and more up-beat than my usual style; after all it is a celebration! The pieces came out rather quickly and I have got them written out in a mixture of Finale printouts and manuscript. I'm now desperate to finalise the pieces, but I'm going to have to wait aren't I!

Tonight I'm singing at the Maundy Thursday Service at St. Mary's Cadogan Street. Its a fascinating service which starts with the celebrant washing the feet of a dozen men and women; then ending with translation of the consecrated host from the altar to a side altar so that the high altar is empty for Good Friday.

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