Saturday, 24 November 2018

Brixton Chamber Orchestra Christmas Tour of Lambeth Estates

Matthew O'Keeffe and Brixton Chamber Orchestra on Electric Avenue, Brixton
Matthew O'Keeffe and Brixton Chamber Orchestra on Electric Avenue, Brixton
Classical music is not the first this that you expect to find in a local community centre, but my local orchestra, the Brixton Chamber Orchestra, artistic director Matthew O'Keeffe, is looking to bring some classical festive cheer to community centres in five Council Estates in Lambeth. This is the orchestra's latest initiative in Matthew's ambition to really embed the ensemble within the local community [see my interview with Matthew] and previous projects have included performing on Electric Avenue (see above), joining forces with a local Gospel choir, and performing Brahms' Deutsches Requiem at a local arts festival, and on 9 December they will be playing at the switching on of the Christmas lights in Brixton.

So this festive season, Brixton Chamber Orchestra are bringing a series of music recitals to tenants’ halls across Lambeth, with the orchestra performing for communities in Loughborough, Angel Town, Moorlands, Tulse Hill and Cressingham Gardens estates. This won't be the first time that the ensemble has taken classical music to the local estates, in July this year they performed a concert on the Cressingham Gardens estate, and are eager to take the music back for Christmas.
To help finance the tour the ensemble is running a Kickstarter campaign, rewards range from a free ticket or a credit in the programme, to a music lesson or a private performance.

You can get full details from the project's Kickstarter page, so please go and support them

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