Tuesday 19 April 2022

Going Global: the Benedetti Foundation's Virtual Sessions are taking violinists on a trip round the world

Going Global: the Benedetti Foundation's Virtual Sessions are taking violinists on a trip round the world

The Benedetti Foundation's Virtual Sessions are back, with Global Violin Sessions: A Cultural Exchange Part 2 which is running from 18 April to 8 May 2022, taking the participants on a trip round the world through the eyes of the violin. Over three weekends, guest artists will help participants to visit other traditions, looking at what is similar and what is different. The three groups of guest artists are Aly Bain (fiddle), Phil Cunningham (according) and Jenna Reid (fiddle) - Scotland, The Ayoub Sisters - (violin and cello) - Egypt, Timothy Chooi (violin) and Laure Chan (violin) - East Meets West.

There will be a tune by Phil Cunningham which will be debuted by Nicola Benedetti and then passed around the musicians over the three weeks; each violinist along with musical friends will make it their own. They will change rhythms, twist notes, rewrite corners, add instrumentation and colours and effects – and along the way, teach and explain how they do it. Participants will then choose as many versions of the tune as they wish to record and send in their performance. These videos will then be weaved together to create a final performance which will be premiered on Sunday 22 May.  

Full details from the Benedetti Foundation website.

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