Friday, 7 October 2022

Electric collaboration - Gavin Bryars: Electric Guitar Works from Gavin Bryars and Serio Sorrentino on Suoni Possibili

Guitarist Sergio Sorrentino has collaborated with composer Gavin Bryars on a new disc, Gavin Bryars: Electric Guitar Works on the Suoni Possibili label, which includes a selection of works for electric guitar (multiple guitars and guitar and piano) by Gavin Bryars, performed by Bryars himself together with Sergio Sorrentino (also producer of the release). 

The new album includes the world premiere recording of the unedited early work Catalogue originally written by Bryars for Derek Bailey on 1965 and recorded live by Gavin and Sergio, and Burroughs II (2014) for multiple guitars recorded in studio by Sorrentino. The album also includes a new version of The Squirrel and the Ricketty-Racketty Bridge (1971), recorded live by Bryars and Sorrentino: the previous version of this was recorded by Bryars together with Brian Eno, Derek Bailey and Fred Frith released on Obscure Records in the Seventies. 

Full details from BandCamp.

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