Tuesday 13 November 2012

New Lamps for Old (with Hugill deuxieme)

Alistair Dixon and Chapelle du Roi are making their annual Christmas appearance at St Johns Smith Square on Friday 7 December, with their programme New Lamps for Old, in which they are singing old and new settings of the same texts, pairing contemporary composers (including two world premieres)  with Tallis, Sheppard, Victoria, Guerrero and Palestrina. Amongst the contemporary composers featured will be Roxanna Panufnik, Antony Pitts, and your truly. The group will be performing my introit, Puer natus est nobis, which they premiered in 2009.

My setting of Puer natus est nobis comes from my collection Tempus per annum, where I am in the process of setting the Latin introits for all the Sundays and major festivals of the church's year (72 in total, I am currently working on the fourth and final volume). The introit is for the Nativity of Our Lord, Third Mass during the day (in the modern Gradual).

Chapelle du Roi's programme also includes the world premiere of Roxanna Panufnik's Alma redemptoris mater (paired with Guerrero), the world premiere of David Braid's Alma redemptoris mater (paired with Victoria), plus performances of Antony Pitts' O Holy of Holies (paired with Sheppard's Reges Tharsis), Anthony Mudge's O Magnum Mysterium (paired with Palestrina), , Nicholas O'Neill's Nunc Dimittis  (paired with Tallis), Daniel Burges The Coventry Carol along with the traditional version. The choir will also be performing the Sarum chant introit as well as Tallis's Missa puer natus est nobis.

Further details from the Chapelle du Roi website, there is also concert flyer pdf..

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