Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Music of our Time

JAM's 2018 Music of our Time at St Bride's Church
JAM's 2018 Music of our Time at St Bride's Church
Music of our Time is JAM's annual season launch in which they present new music, both recent commissions and works which have been commissioned in past seasons and to which they are returning. On Thursday 21 March 2019 at St Bride's Church, Fleet Street, JAM is presenting music by Paul Patterson, Rory Boyle, Phillip Cooke, Steven Nunes, David Nunn, Richard Peat, Helen Roe and Frederick Viner, performed by the Chapel Choir of Selwyn College, Cambridge, Onyx Brass, Simon Horgan (organ), Andrew Watts (counter-tenor) and Michael Bawtree (conductor).

The concert revisits JAM's 2005 commission The Fifth Continent by Paul Patterson, with a text by Ben Kaye which describes the mysteries of Kent's Romney Marsh (where JAM's JAM on the Marsh festival is based), and the 2018 commission Songs from the Marshes by Rory Boyle, a collection of modern folk-songs which was premiered last July at JAM on the Marsh by BBC Singers, this work receives its London premiere in this concert. Also in the concert is Boyle's Tallis's Light, plus works submitted to JAM's annual call for works by Phillip Cooke, Steven Nunes, David Nunn, Richard Peat, Helen Roe and Frederick Viner.

Full information from the JAM website.


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