Monday, 25 March 2019

Walk within a symphony: Southbank Sinfonia invites you to experience Beethoven's Eroica Symphony from the inside

Southbank Sinfonia
Southbank Sinfonia's #ConcertLab series aims to explore how we might experience concerts differently, and the series arose in 2016 out of the orchestra's own experiences performing on stage as part of the National Theatre's production of Peter Shaffer's Amadeus.

On Wednesday 27 March 2019 the orchestra is once again abandoning the concert hall, but this time giving the audience a chance to join it in an immersive experience. Under conductor Lee Reynolds they will be performing Beethoven's ground-breaking Symphony No. 3 'Eroica' at Oval Space, Bethnal Green, E2 9DT and instead of being en bloc with the audience members looking on, the players will be dotted around the space and audience members will be able to wander around between the players. This will give people the unusual experience of hearing the symphony from the inside, creating a fully immersive performance.

A further perspective will be given via Beethoven's letters, interpreted by actor Anton Lesser (also BSL interpreted) to bring out the turblent nature of Beethoven's genius.

After the main performance the bar stays open and there is more live music!

Full details from Southbank Sinfonia's website.

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