Friday, 1 January 2016

2016: From Monteverdi to a Come and Sing at sea - the Brandenburg Choral Festival

Brandenburg Choral Festival
The Brandenburg Choral Festival has become something of a fixture on the London concert scene and their seventh Spring Series starts in this month (January 2016) presenting a wide range of choral music at St Martin's in the Fields, Temple Church, St Paul's Covent Garden, and a variety of other London churches. During the first week there is the chance to hear the Joyful Company of Singers and Peter Broadbent in the Rachmaninov Vespers (14 January 2016) and later on Rupert Gough and the choir of Royal Holloway College in Monteverdi's Vespers (30 January 2016), Scott Stroman and Eclectic Voices in Bach (12 February) and Eboracum Baroque in Purcell's Come ye songs of art (16 February). Explore the full range of concerts on the Brandenburg website.

New this year is something rather different to close the festival, a cruise! Provided by Voyages to Antiquity the cruise runs from 9 May to 22 May 2016 sailing for Athens to Venice via the Ionian and Adriatic seas, combining heritage and cultural tourism with choral singing. Providing a 'Come and Sing' experience at sea; there will be singing every day on board, and a final concert whilst moored in Ravenna. Further information from the Brandenburg website.

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