Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Don Giovanni from Midsummer Opera

Having performed Verdi's Un ballo in maschera last November, Midsummer Opera turns its attention to something on a rather different scale for its final opera of the season (its 30th anniversary season). On 15 & 17 April 2016, the company will be performing Mozart's Don Giovanni at St John's Church, Waterloo. Artistic director David Roblou directs from the harpsichord, and the opera will be semi-staged (directed by Lynne McAdam). It should be a highly dramatic evening. The title role is sung by Andrew Mayor, Oskar McCarthy is Leporello, Emma Dogliani is Donna Anna, Nicola Ihnatowicz is Donna Elvira with John Upperton as Don Ottavio, all are singers whose repertoire encompasses both 18th century and larger scale 19th century works.

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