Tuesday 18 October 2005

Yet more activity on the concert front: tonight I'm meeting with the soloist for the orchestral concert at St. James's Church, Piccadilly in March 2006. I know it seems early, but he needs to learn the part, I might need to make changes and convey them to the conductor etc. In fact, from our brief email and telephone contacts (he lives in Italy) I know that changes are in order. A suggestion that some passages be transposed bodily would seem to be rather tricky given that this would then put some instruments into keys with 6 or 7 sharps - I can't see that going down well with the players. On other occasions I have already had experience of the comment from a player, C sharp major? We don't play in that key very often. Something I'd like to avoid if possible

Newsletter distribution continues, my email contact lists are always woefully out of date so I end up sending emails to address which people no longer user, don't exist etc. I always vow to be more organised but never am. Ho hum, perhaps next year, when I have more time!

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