Saturday, 8 April 2006

Thursday night was the London Concord Singers concert at St. Michael's Church, Chester Square, London. The programme was interesting, including Lobo's Requiem and music by Gabriel Jackson, Vagn Holmboe and Mary Jane Leach. But, unfortunately, it clashed with the launch party for the Chelsea Festival and FifteenB are performing a programme at the festival, so as their Artistic Director I went along to the Festival Launch. There was quite a bit of interest in our concert which was good news and there was lots of champagne to drink, so a good time was had by all. The remainder of the festival looks interesting, very much something for everyone. We've booked for a concert by the Orlando Consort at Chelsea Old Church, but I'm not sure we'll be able to fit anything else in, because of rehearsals for our concert. Which is annoying.

At the moment we're in the middle of the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, so have been busy seeing films. But last night we managed to fit in Handel's Solomon given by the Orchestral of the Age of Enlightenment at the Barbican. A review will follow in due course. Then tomorrow we're off to see the Lost Musicals doing Nymph Errant which should be fun.

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