Friday, 19 October 2007

EPSS Gurney Competition

My song, To his Love, has come joint 2nd in the English Poetry and Song Society's Ivor Gurney competition. My song Requiem was also short-listed. The winner of the competition was Severn Meadows by Brian Daubney and I shared 2nd place with Song and Pain by Celia Harper.

To his Love will be included (along with the other 4 prizewinning songs) in a recital by Charlotte Newstead (soprano), Nicolas Barlow (baritone) and John Marsh (piano) entitled Ivor Gurney and his teachers. They may also include other songs off the short-list, so Requiem might be performed as well. The recital is at 3pm, Sunday 11th November, Bristol Music Club, St. Paul's Road, Clifton. (Tickets £7, £5 from Providence Music 0117 927 6536)

The recital will include songs by Parry, Stanford, Vaughan Williams and Gurney.

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