Monday, 22 August 2011

I see from this month's Opera Magazine that Terry Gilliam is going to direct a new production of Berlioz'z Benvenuto Cellini at ENO in 2014. Its great that Gilliam is coming back for more and brilliant the Benvenuto Cellini will be getting a new London outing. But I'm not really sure about what Gilliam's take on the opera will be, after all Cellini does actually have a plot!

Also, Covent Garden are doing their first production of Szymanowksi's King Roger in 2014 with Mariusz Kwiecien in the title role. Again, another opera that has been crying out for a London outing. Interestingly the production will be directed by Kasper Holten, who is obviously going to be a different type of opera director than Elaine Padmore.

Yet another interesting London outing. This time Charpentier's Medea which David McVicar will be directing at ENO in 2012-13, with Sarah Connolly in the title role and Christian Curmyn in the pit.

And as had been widely predicted, Covent Garden is doing a new Guillaume Tell in 2015, with Pappano in the pit and with John Osborn as Arnold.

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