Saturday, 5 May 2012

Hi you to Cambridge

If you are in or around Cambridge tonight then there is a terrific concert on at Peterhouse Theatre. Lawrence Zazzo (counter-tenor) and Arcangelo, directed by Jonathan Cohen perform Vivaldi, Porpora and Handel, including Vivaldi's Nisi Dominus and the mad scene from Handel's Orlando, plus a cantata by Porpora whose works Arcangelo recently recorded on a terrific CD. More information on the concert from Camerata Musica's website. And no, we won't be there; we'll be at ENO for their new Flying Dutchman. Also tonight, there's an evening of music, performance and spoken word at Cul-De-Sac Gallery, From traditional Tibetan throat singing to body art, keyboarded radio, haunted voice overs and deadpan Electronica. , and yes, we might drop in there after the Wagner!

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