Monday, 22 August 2016

Help BREMF crowd-fund 'Gaia - three intermedi for a living planet'

Gaia - three intermedi for a living planet,
Brighton Early Music Festival (BREMF) has an exciting programme planned for this Autumn (see my preview). One of the highlights promises to be Gaia - three intermedi for a living planet, inspired by the festival's staging of the Florentine Intermedi of 1589 a few years ago, Gaia (devised and directed by Deborah Roberts) is very much a modern take on the 16th century intermedi and will be combining professional performers such as the English Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble, Onde Sonore, and the Lacock Scholars with involves local singers from the BREMF Consort of Voices and the BREMF Community Choir. The Community Choir is a vibrant, non-auditioned choir in the best traditional of community music-making. 

To help fund this ambitious production, which uses film, projections, lighting effects, mime, yoga and dance to tell the story of our Earth and how humans have perceived it through the ages, the festival has launched a Crowd-funding page. Pledges range from £10 to £500 with all sorts of tempting rewards so there is plenty of scope to help.

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