Tuesday, 15 January 2019

A celebration of Plácido Domingo

Plácido Domingo, KBE (Image: Chad Batka)
Plácido Domingo, KBE (Image: Chad Batka)
On Monday 28 January 2019, the International Opera Awards is presenting an event which is not to be missed, a Celebration of Placido Domingo at the Royal Society of Arts, London WC2N  6EZ, in support of the International Opera Awards Foundation. 

The event will include a Q&A between Helena Matheopoulos and Placido Domingo, during which audience members will have the chance to pose their own questions, as well as Matheopoulos' illustrated talk The Domingo Phenomenon.  The event concludes with a reception.

Tickets are £110 per person, and these include a donation to the International Opera Awards Foundation. The foundation, created in 2012, awards annual bursaries to aspiring operatic talent. There are no restrictions on age or nationality, nor is support limited to singers, applications are encouraged from any artist working toward a career in opera, who needs financial support to achieve their career goals.

Further details from the International Opera Awards.

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