Tuesday, 18 August 2020

W11 Opera's Jukebox

W11 Opera's 2020 opera production has moved on-line as a result of the current crisis. Jukebox, the planned new opera, will be a celebration of 49 years of W11 Opera and will be streamed in December 2020. The opera will be created by a cast of young people (9-18 years) working on-line, thus offering them a unique creative opportunity. 

Rehearsals, training and activities will involve solo and small group Zoom sessions with the director (Susan Moore), musical director (Alastair Chilvers) and choreographer (Maggie Rawlinson) as well the visual artist (Chris Glynn) who will illustrate and animate portions of the final film. Production rehearsal videos will also be available online as well as design activities, monologue writing and filming, prop making workshops, vocal, drama, and dance sessions. ‘Rushes’ of the draft film footage will be viewed as a full group activity every few weeks as the recordings are completed.

W11 Opera's artistic director, Susan Moore has created the script and story for Jukebox, based on previous W11 Opera shows and the music draws from a number of these previous shows:

Timothy Kraemer (Ulysses & the Wooden Horse)
Russell Hepplewhite & Helen Eastman (The Price)
John Barber & Hazel Gould (Eliza & the Swans)
Stuart Hancock & Donald Sturrock (Cutlass Crew)
Julian Grant & Christina Jones (Original Features & Shadowtracks)
Graham Preskett & John Kane (Flying High & ANTiphony)
Cecilia McDowall & Christie Dickason (Deep Waters)
Guy Dagul & Jane Asperling (Game Over)

Full details from the W11 Opera website.

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