Tuesday, 21 June 2022

A snapshot of music under lockdown: NMC's music map for The Big Lockdown Music Survey

NMC's Big Lockdown Music Survey
Lockdown changed the way we both produced and listened to music. In order to capture something of this, NMC Recordings held an open call for music created during lockdown, and the result is NMC's interactive music map released as part of its Big Lockdown Music Survey.

Creators of all ages and all levels of experience from across England submitted their music of all genres, some 200 pieces in all. 71 selected tracks have been included on the lockdown listening map whilst six regional partner organisations selected and curated album-length selections of music representing their region. The organisations involved include Psappha (North), Birmingham Record Company (Midlands), Spitalfields Music (Greater London), Stapleford Granary (East), October House Records (South East), and Bristol Beacon (South West).

You can explore the map with interactive filters including mood, genre, weather, and location, exploring lockdown in recorded sound. Contributing creators and artists whose tracks are selected were paid for their work according to a Musicians Union-approved fee scale, remunerating composers/performers whose work was cancelled as a result of the pandemic.

For those interested in more detail, there is detailed data analysis compiled by RNCM PRISM, available from NMC's website. NMC has also developed a free educational resource pack to share knowledge and expertise on home recording techniques, aimed at those who may have recently begun recording their own music for the first time or are studying music technology at school or college but have limited access to equipment. This comprehensive, free guide full of techniques and top tips from industry experts is available to download from the NMC website.

Read more about the map and explore it on the NMC website, and you can also explore the curated listening lists, bit.ly/3Oxg1e6

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