Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Except for me

We we are now 2 weeks into the new term and London Concord Singers are busy rehearsing for their next concert. The programme is quite fund, Duarte Lobo's Requiem, Sven David Sandstrom's reworking of Purcell's Hear my Prayer in which the Purcell original is heard almost complete but evaporates just before the end, Sandstrom then re-works the material into new and magical forms; plus motets by the Roseingraves (a Father and Son who worked at both Cathedrals in Dublin in the 17th century) and Gabriel Jackson (a young English composer).

I am currently attending rehearsals, but will unfortunately have to fade out eventually as the concert (on Thursday April 6th at St. Michael's Church, Chester Square) clashes with the launch of the 2006 Chelsea Festival and I have some music being performed in the festival (on June 24th at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church). It is so frustrating when such events clash, but that's life I suppose.

We are busy trying to put together a summer trip for the choir. We hope to go to Tallinn and things are looking quite positive at the moment.

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