Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Mozart at Clandon

The Marble Hall at Clandon Park
The Marble Hall at Clandon Park
The National Trust's house Clandon Park was built in the 1730's to designs by the Italian architect Giacomo Leoni. The wonderful Marble Hall was finished in the 1740's and the gardens laid out in the 1780's by Capability Brown. At around the same time as the gardens were being finished Mozart's mature operas were being premiered in Vienna and Prague. This confluence is examined on Saturday November 22, when Ian Peter Bugeja and his group Les Bougies Baroques give a concert, Mozart | Drama Personified, in the Marble Hall at Clandon House.

Bugeja will be the soloist in Mozart's Piano Concerto K453 and the group is joined by soloists Joseph Padfield, Cenk Karaferya, Dorothea Herbert and Nazan Fikret, with Johannes Kammler, Gustav Hasfjord, and Jack Holton for arias and ensembles from Cosi fan tutte, Don Giovanni, Le nozze di Figaro and The Magic Flute, plus Mozart's Symphony No. 31 'Paris'. Tickets are £12, to book, call or e-mail the Guildford Tourist Information Centre: www.visitguildford.com 01483 444334, tic@guildford.gov.uk

The Maltese conductor-harpsichordist/fortepianist Ian Peter Bugeja founded Les Bougies Baroques in 2012. The group represents the new generation of period performance, and was created by Bugeja with the aim of giving young professional performers the experience of performing in a period instrument ensemble and in January 2014 they closed the Valetta International Baroque Festival. You can see them, performing with counter-tenor Cenk Karaferya on YouTube.

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