Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Crowdfunding Tudway at Wimpole Hall

Thomas Tudway
Thomas Tudway
The composer Thomas Tudway is not a well known figure. Born around 1650/1656, he sang in the Chapel Royal as a child, becoming organist at King's College, Cambridge in 1670 until his death in 1726. He was the second Professor of Music at Cambridge University, though his career seems to have been somewhat blighted by his strong Tory views. Tudway also worked at Wimpole Hall, for Lord Harley; Tudway lived at Wimpole Hall and wrote music for the chapel there. The enterprising group Eboracum Baroque plans to record a disc of Tudway's music in the chapel at Wimpole Hall, including pieces Tudway specifically wrote for it.

The group has a crowd-funding campaign to raise funds, you can learn more at their Ideastap page. Eboracum Baroque's artistic director Chris Parsons is very enthusiastic about Tudway's music and the Wimpole connection seems to be a highly imaginative way to revive interest in a lesser known English composer. Do think about giving them your support.

Eboracum Baroque are performing Messiah in St John's College Chapel, Cambridge on 20 December 2014. We caught their production of Handel's Acis and Galatea at the Grimeborn Festival this year (see my review), and we are promised more Handel for next year. Their Tudway disc will be launched at a concert at Wimpole Church on 20 June 2015, when Tudway's music will be performed alongside Handel's Utrecht Te Deum.

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