Thursday 19 February 2015

Room to Play - new classical showcase at Wilton's

The Borletti-Buitoni Trust, which does a lot to support young musicians, is presenting a series of concerts at Wilton's Music Hall entitled Room to Play. On the last Wednesday of each month the concerts showcase young musicians who have recently won Borletti-Buitoni Trust awards and fellowships. Wilton's is working towards the completion of the second phase of its Capital Project to repair the building and the events are some of the first to appear in what will be the cocktail bar and performance space. Performances start at 8pm, and last an hour.

Pianist and composer Kate Whitley launches the series on 25 February 2015, performing a contemporary programme which includes her own work, plus guest artists including guitarist Sean Shibe. Sibe will have his own evening on 25 March, with Dutch recorder player Erik Bosgraaf in April, Dutch bassoonist Bram van Sambeek in May and the horn-player Alec Frank Gemmill in June.

Further information from the Wilton's web site.

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