Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Wolfgang Rihm at the Wigmore Hall

Wolfgang Rihm  - © Universal Edition / Eric Marinitsch
Wolfgang Rihm
© Universal Edition / Eric Marinitsch
Wolfgang Rihm and his music are being celebrated in a day at the Wigmore Hall devoted to Rihm's music on Saturday 28 February 2015. Rihm will be present and heard in conversation with Tom Service. There are three concerts, in the morning the Quatour Danel, clarinettist Jörg Widmann and horn player Bruno Schneider give the UK premiere of Sextet. In the afternoon tenor Christoph Prégardien and pianist Ulrich Eisenlohr give a concert of Schubert’s songs on poems by Ernst Schulze, complemented by Rihm’s songs from Ende der Handschrift. In the evening, after the talk from Rihm and Service, the Arditti Quartet, cellist Tanja Tetzlaff and accordionist Teodoro Anzellotti perform Rihm’s Grave in memoriam Thomas Kakuska, Fetzen for accordion and string quartet, String Quartet No. 10 and Epilog for string quintet.

A prolific composer, Rihm was born in Karlsruhe in 1952 and has written in a variety of genres. Whilst being seen as at the forefront of modernism in German music in the 1970's. Having studied with Stockhausen, Rihm's work in this period was seen as a reaction against the modernism of Boulez and Stockhausen and he was for a period associated with the New Simplicity movement. His music has also shown itself willing to open a dialogue with the past including taking Bach's passions as the starting point for works. He is Head of the Karlsruhe Conservatory Institute of Modern Music.

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