Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Youth and experience join forces in Wagner

Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra
Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra
On Wednesday 24 June 2015, there is a chance to hear one of the finest dramatic sopranos of our day, Susan Bullock, singing in Wagner at St John's Smith Square. Susan Bullock joins the musicians of the Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra, conductor James Blair in a programme which includes the Prelude and Liebestod from Wagner's Tristan und Isolde and Siegfried's Rhine Music, Siegfried's Funeral Music and Brunnhilde's Immolation  from Wagner's Gotterdammerung, plus music by Humperdinck.

The Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra is Britain's leading orchestra for young musicians on the threshold of their professional careers. It provides experience to those who are studying or have recently completed their training, but are not yet established in the profession.

Further information and tickets from the St John's Smith Square website.

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