Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Cambridge Festival of Ideas

The Cambridge Festival of Ideas opened on Monday and runs for two weeks, with a wealth of events covering everything from politics and philosophy to visual art and performance. The genre-busting mix of music ranges from dub and hip hop to opera and classical. Tansy Davies opera Between Worlds, which was premiered by ENO, receives a concert performance, George Chambers and Rebecca Hardwick perform Stockhausen's In the Sky I am Walking, the Clerks of Jesus College Chapel mark the anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt.

At Kettles Yard, you can hear the Quartetto di Cremona, and Krysia Osostowicz and Daniel Tong in Beethoven's violin sonatas and new music by Kurt Schwertsik. The Ligeti Quartet will be performing music by young people including the winner of the Cambridge Young Composer of the Year competition.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your interest and support for these events - very much appreciated! Just one correction I'd like to make to your comment on Tansy Davies's 'Between Worlds': it's not a concert performance, but a presentation using video - much of it unavailable for public viewing. Tansy will be introducing the extracts, and will take part in a Q & A afterwards.
    All good wishes, Mick Gowar (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge).


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