Saturday, 23 January 2016

Hot off the press: Love's Lordship

My song, Love's Lordship from a set which I am writing setting some of JA Symonds translations of Michelangelo's sonnets for tenor and piano. Two completed so far:

Why should I seek to ease intense desire

With still more tears and windy words of grief,
When heaven, or late or soon, sends no relief
To souls whom love hath robed around with fire ?

Why need my aching heart to death aspire,

When all must die ? Nay, death beyond belief
Unto these eyes would be both sweet and brief,
Since in my sum of woes all joys expire !

Therefore because I cannot shun the blow

I rather seek, say who must rule my breast,
Gliding between her gladness and her woe ?

If only chains and bands can make me blest,
No marvel if alone and bare I go
An armed Knight's captive and slave confessed.

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