Monday, 11 February 2019

Schnittke's Choir Concerto is coming

Two choirs join together to give a performance of one of the great choral masterpieces of the 20th century, Alfred Schnittke's Choir Concerto. London Concord Singers and the East London Chorus, conducted by Jessica Norton, will be performing Schnittke's Choir Concerto on Saturday 13 April 2019 at St Pancras Parish Church, Euston Road, London, NW1 2BA.

Written in 1984-85 the Choir Concerto sets texts drawn from The Book of Lamentations by the Armenian mystic and poet, Saint Gregory of Narek. The music is based on traditional harmony and melodic formualae of Russian Orthodox Chant, but Schnittke uses his large choir to create richly evocative textures full of Schnittke's personal musical language. Lasting 40 minutes, the Choir Concerto is modelled on the choral concertos by 18th century Russian composers which influenced the choral music of Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky.

Further information from EventBrite.

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