Monday, 17 June 2019

UK debuts, Portugese polyphony, Danish music, Tallis's 'Spem in Alium', Ligeti's 'Nonsense Madrigals' and a Joanna Marsh premiere - 2019/20 Choral at Cadogan

Portuguese vocal ensemble Cupertinos
Portuguese vocal ensemble Cupertinos
The 2019-2020 Choral at Cadogan series is the 12th such, presenting a striking array of choral concerts from the Tallis Scholars, the choir of Westminster Cathedral, the Sixteen, Cupertinos, the Danish National Vocal Ensemble, the Cardinall's Music and the Gesualdo Six, from 2 October 2019 to 18 June 2020.

The series is bookended by the Tallis Scholars whose conductor, Peter Phillips, is the artistic director of the series. And the ensemble will open with an all-Palestrina programme and close with a real treat, an all-Tallis programme featuring his Latin sacred music large and small, culminating in Spem in alium.

Martin Baker and Westminster Cathedral Choir bring a programme of music for Advent centred on the text O magnum mysterium including the premiere of a new motet by Joanna Marsh. Still in seasonal mood, Harry Christophers and the Sixteen will be bringing their Christmas programme.

Danish National Vocal Ensemble
Danish National Vocal Ensemble
There are two groups making their UK debuts, Cupertinos and the Danish National Vocal Ensemble. The Portuguese vocal ensemble Cupertinos, director Luis Toscano, is performing a programme of Portuguese polyphony from the 16th and 17th centuries with a focus on liturgies for Lent and for the Dead. The professional chamber choir of DR the Danish national broadcaster, the Danish National Vocal Ensemble, director Marcus Creed, perform a programme of Danish music from the 16th century to Carl Nielsen to the present day including works by Bo Holten and Bent Sørensen plus three of Bach's motets.

Andrew Carwood and the Cardinall's Musick perform a programme which mixes John Tavener and Arvo Pärt with Byrd, including the Mass for Four Voices and Gibbons. Whilst the Gesualdo Six, director Owain Park, will be tracing the evolution madrigal from Claudio Monteverdi through Palestrina, Marenzio, and Gesualdo to György Ligeti's Nonsense Madrigals.

Full details from the Cadogan Hall website.

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