Friday, 11 December 2020

A Baroque Christmas at Wimpole Church

Arts organisations are having to come up with innovative ways around the Christmas concert conundrum this year. Usually, Eboracum Baroque, artistic director Chris Parsons, would be planning festive performances in Wimpole Church and Wimpole Hall, but this year they are going on-line which means that for those of us not able to travel to Cambridgeshire there is a chance to enjoy some Baroque jollity.

Filmed in Wimpole Church in October, Eboracum Baroque's A Baroque Christmas debuts tomorrow (Saturday 7 December 2020) on YouTube and on Facebook. The concert features arias from Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and Magnificat, a trumpet concerto by Torelli, Winter for Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, music by Charpentier and other works from across 17th and 18th century Europe.

The concert is a chance to help support freelance musicians through these challenging times, as well as avoiding the wall-to-wall Christmas carols which are a feature of the season. And there is an interval feature from York Gin!

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