Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Repair Conway Hall's roof: crowd funder to help support the repairs to the historic structure, home to the Sunday Concerts

Conway Hall
Conway Hall

Conway Hall was completed in 1929 and since then has played host to all  manner of events such as influential talks on the establishment of the NHS, the first national conference on AIDS with Gay & Lesbian Switchboard in 1983 and musicians such as Muddy Waters, Humphrey Lyttleton and The Cure, not mention the Sunday Concerts which have their origins in the 19th century and make them the longest running such concert series in Europe, presenting affordable classical music for all.

Not surprisingly, with such an historic structure, things are beginning to show their age and the roof needs repairing. Conway Hall has started a crowd-funder to help raise some of the cost (nearly £250,000 over the next five years). Do please donate: 

As the hall approaches its centenary, they have also started a separate crowd funder to held support the hall's core ethical work. 

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