Friday, 22 April 2005

Onwards and upwards

Well, Respice, Domine is 'finished' and a copy given to the conductor. The next stage is the enourmously nerve-wracking moment when the choir tries the piece out for the first time. I am usually perfectly satisfied and people are very polite generally, but that doesn't stop me worrying

I've started doing some sketches for the journey of the magi piece, the setting of Andrewes sermon. Typically I've started work on a section of text from the middle of the piece. I have no clear idea of the final structure, so I'm sketching things out to see what occurs

We went to see Un Ballo in Maschera at Covent Garden last night. The production was pretty traditional and generally rather attractive, though I felt that Ulrica's scene and the scene at the gallows lacked the requisite sense of creepiness or mystery which can bring the work alive. Despite some superb singing, for me the drama only really happened in the last Act. Its not an opera I know well (embarassing admission), but with a new production in place we have more to look forward to I hope.

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