Thursday 20 July 2006

Displacement activity

I've finished the piano reductions for my 2 new works, the new mass and the new piece for London Concord Singers 40th Anniversary, Ursi Carmina. So these pieces are now to the side, awaiting a trial sing through which I have planned . (I've managed to bribe a number of friends with the promise of food and we're getting together in August to try the new mass out and whatever else we can fit in.)

So I really ought to be getting back to writing the motets for Volume 2 of Tempus per Annum; I've just finished the 3rd Sunday after Easter but have plenty of Sundays to get through until I reach Pentecost (the planned terminus of this volume). Also, I've still got my tone poem based on the Sylvia Townsend Warner's short story.

But of course, I'm not doing either of these. Having had terrible toothache for the last week I have been indulging myself and now have started yet another piece, this one is a choral setting of Isaiah Chapter 6, King James Version but in my own stripped down version. I heard a chunk of it at church some time ago and was struck by the possibility of the Holy, Holy, Holy calls etc. All I have to do, of course, is get it finished before I have another bright idea.

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