Friday, 16 March 2007


This is promising to be a busy weekend. On Saturday morning a photographer is coming to do some shots of me, with a new CD being recorded next month we decided that it was about time for me to get some new publicity shots done.

Then in the afternoon we are rehearsing in All Saints Church, Margaret Street for our concert there on Sunday. The first time we'll have sung in the venue. We have a brief run through in the church on Sunday and then our concert is at 3.00pm. All Welcome!

Early that day we are planning to go to 10.30am mass at Westminster Cathedral; being as I'm singing in the concert I'm not singing at church. The Cathedral are doing James MacMillan's Mass, the first time I'll have heard the dedicatees performing it live.

Then in the evening, we're off to the Chelsea Opera Group in the Cadogan Hall where they are performing Bellini's Beatrice di Tenda with Nelly Miriociouiou in the title role. This starts at the early hour of 6.00pm because the Cadogan Hall has strict rules about the time concerts are allowed to finish.

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