Monday, 10 June 2013

Summer Music Academy at the Royal Military School

Summer Music Academy 2013 - British Army Website
The Royal Military Academy at Kneller Hall, Twickenham is again holding a Summer Music Academy this year. Running from 4 to 10 August 2013, the event is free to attend and the Royal Military Academy are looking for young people between the ages of 16 to 24, brass and woodwind players and percussionists (though other instrumentalists will be considered) with grade 7+ in their primary instrument. Last year 150 people applied for 60 places and there will be 60 places available this year. The idea is to offer a specialized musical education of the highest calibre combined with an insight to a career in military music. So the academy offers rehearsals with the band and individual lessons with professional musicians alongside a visit to an Army training regiment to learn more about careers in the army, an introduction to physical training (though nothing difficult is promised), career presentations and opportunities to hear the band perform and talk to musicians. There are 22 Army bands across the UK, involving string, wind, brass and percussion players. Army musicians are encouraged to further their musical training by studying for degrees and diplomas, and to play in a wide variety of ensembles.  Further information from the Summer Music Academy website.

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