Saturday, 4 October 2014

City Music Foundation

City Music Foundation artists 2014
City Music Foundation artists 2014
The City Music Foundation was set up to bring together several established City-based institutions, including the Barbican Arts Centre, Milton Court Concert Hall, the London Symphony Orchestra, the City of London Festival and the Worshipful Company of Musicians, to support young artists. The first artists were announced last year, and now the City Music Foundation has announced the artists being supported and mentored this year.

The artists chosen this year are Joseph Shiner (clarinet), Dinara Klinton (piano), Samson Tsoy (piano), Foyle-Stsura Duo (Michael Foyle, violin, Maksim Ststura, piano), Y-Squared (Yelian He, cello, Yasmin Rowe, piano), Kaleidoscope Saxophone Quartet (Sally MacTaggart, Guy Passey, Ian Dingle, John Moore), Pedro Segundo (jazz percussion), Misha Mullov-Abbado (jazz bass), and Giacomo Smith (jazz clarinet).

The artists will all receive mentoring from experienced professional musicians, business skills workshops, performance opportunities, and marketing and publicity support. The aim is to not only support them artistically, but to equip each with the tools they need to promote themselves to a wider audience and to support themselves financially though music.

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