Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Breaking the boundaries between audience, performer and work.

Lost in Thought
Lost in Thought is billed as the world's first mindfulness opera. It is a work which premieres at LSO St Lukes from 25 to 27 September 2015, performed by Mahogany Opera Group and directed by Frederic Wake-Walker with music and concept by Rolf Hind. The fact that Hind and Wake-Walker are involved means we will be in for an intriguing and perhaps challenging evening. The press release explains more.

Lost in Thought workshop - Frederic Wake-Walker and Rolf Hind. Photo Credit Carys Lavin
Lost in Thought workshop
Frederic Wake-Walker and Rolf Hind.
Photo Credit Carys Lavin
The opera is based on the classic structure of an extended meditation, exploring the points of contact between sound and silence (and in fact composer Rolf Hind introduced mindfulness meditation practice at the Guildhall School). Lost in Thought is a four hour immersive musical performance. During it audiences will go on an inner journey of mindfulness, with periods of meditation, rest, communal eating and a gentle yoga session guided by mezzo-soprano and meditation leader Lore Lixenberg and seven musicians. The intention is to blur boundaries between performers and audiences in what is billed as a genre-bending reconceptualisation of opera.

Further information from the Barbican website but be warned, tickets are sold out so it is returns only! The performances are supported by a programme of events which includes a symposium on mindfulness in music and art.

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