Opera Lab Berlin is an independent free-form ensemble "dedicated to creating interdisciplinary music theatre that is tightly bound to its contemporary surroundings". One of the projects it launched last year was Im Feld, a series that that brings together a composer, a director, and a small ensemble in Berlin’s Acker Stadt Palast for one week, providing an open space for the creation of a new experimental production where artistic creativity can meet open-minded, curious audiences.
Now, we can get a chance to experience Opera Lab Berlin's work on-line as it launches Who's Afraid of Pop Culture? Starting on 29 October 2021, a new music video will premiere each week for five weeks on Opera Lab Berlin's YouTube channel.
Each film will be based around a pop classic, re-invented as opera with cinematic treatments that are designed to be as important as the music. Five directors were chosen to shoot in strategic, decidedly “non-operatic” locations in Berlin. The resulting films evoke drama and intrigue with lysergic visual treatments.
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