Tuesday, 31 May 2022

A little video to celebrate the completion of Dario Salvi and my new operetta, Ademdai - or The Necessary and the Superfluous

Dario Salvi and I have finished the first draft of our new operetta, Ademdai - or the Necessary and the Superfluous, and to celebrate Dario has produced this fun little video [on YouTube], pairing music from the beginning of the opera (in a computer synthesisation) with a charming old cartoon. Our story is based on one from The Thousand and One Nights, based on a story by the Austrian dramatist Ignaz Castelli (1781-1862).

Our operetta is in two acts with five solo roles (Scheherazade - spoken, Ademdai - tenor, Caliph - baritone, Jaffar - bass-baritone, Naima - soprano), chorus and orchestra and follows the adventures of our hero Ademdai, a poor young man from  Baghdad who wishes nothing more than what is essential for his simple life!

The score includes pantomime, melodrama, narration and dance episodes alongside songs and ensembles, with plenty of good tunes. Find out more on my website.

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