Tuesday, 6 December 2022

For Unto Us a Child is Born: Handel from Slovenia

Here is a familiar chorus from Messiah recorded by a Slovenian youth choir and Baroque orchestra, singing in highly creditable English and with great style. And they really look as if they are enjoying themselves.

'For Unto Us A Child Is Born' from Handel's Messiah performed by the Megaron Baroque Orchestra and Megaron Choir, conductor Gary Graden, recorded live from the Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, Koper (Capodistria) in Slovenia.

One of the best European youth choirs, Megaron Chamber Choir was founded in October 2003 from former students of the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium (School) at St. Stanislav’s Institution in Ljubljana. Since its founding the choir has evolved into a high-quality ensemble performing regularly in Slovenia and abroad.

The video director was Primož Zevnik, who shared the video with me.

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