It was lovely to go along to St Paul's Knightsbridge on Sunday (15 January 2023) for Solemn Eucharist when the choir, director of music Joseph Fort, sang my motet Ecce Advenit for the Offertory anthem.
The choir was in good form, and as well as my anthem sang Haydn's Heligmesse (with organ played by James Orford) and Frederick Ouseley's From the rising of the sun (Ouseley was a curate at St Paul's Knightsbridge).
My motet, which sets the Latin Introit for the Mass of the Epiphany, comes from Tempus per Annum my collection of 70 motets setting the Latin introits for the Sundays and major feast days of the Church's year. All are available for free download on CPDL.
The service was live-streamed and is currently available on YouTube (starting at 57:05), and the clip of just my motet is here:
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