Tuesday, 7 June 2005

Back into the swing

I've just finished tinkering with my song cycle, Quickening. It was written for voice, viola and piano setting Christina Rosetti poems (though bizarrely, we ended up premiering it with a male counter-tenor rather than a woman.

Having been asked, ages ago, if I had anything for female vocal ensemble I conceived the idea of re-casting it for womens voices and piano. I've always liked arranging and re-arranging things; the act of fitting things together so that they appear quite natural rather than being obviously a construct.

The optimum number of singers seemed to be 3, so I have now re-structured the piece for 2 sopranos and a mezzo and piano. I think it works rather well, but there are always bits that rather hit you in the face when you try things out. I've sent the piece off and just have to hope that it is like

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