Tuesday 5 July 2005

Birthday 1

Finally, on Friday, it was my birthday concert. After struggling to find a cab in the rain (so that I could transport the interval refreshments to St. Giles), arrangements went according to plan, amazingly. St. Giles kindly made parking available, so there was no re-run of the parking ticket problems of 2 weeks ago.

A gratifying mixture of friends and strangers turned up and the musical results were highly satisfying. Even more gratifying was the positive reaction to my Cranmer cantata. The performance was excellent but I still worried that people might be bored, might not 'get it'. I need not have worried

There was a critic there from The Classical Source, so you can read his review Here.
There was time, after the concert, to retire to the pub and socialise with friends and acquaintances. My birthday was well and truly launched

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