Tuesday, 12 July 2005

More premieres

We mainly devoted last week to preparations for my birthday party on Saturday, except for an outing to hear Handel's Flavio, an opera that I had never seen staged; you can read the review here, on Music and Vision

And now, party over, calm reigns so I must devote myself to final rehearsals for the London Concord Singers concert at St. Michael's Church, Chester Square, Victoria, London, at 7.30pm. It is called A Musical Tour of the EU and has music from countries as varied as the Czech Republic, Latvia, Denmark and Holland. Also included is the premiere of my motet Respice Domine. This is another instalment of my Tempus per Annum collection of motets; it was written specially for the choir's tour in Strasbourg in Sunday August 7th - the text is the introit for that day.

The full programme is quite tiring as the mass by Kyrstof Harant is quite substantial and sits rather low for me, but the results should be rather exciting I think. We're doing the mass semi-liturgically, preceded by my introit and broken up by suitable moetes. Come and hear for yourself!

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