Wednesday, 17 October 2012

A day with Bach

The new Richards, Fowkes & co organ
at St George's Hanover Square
The London Bach Society and the Royal College of Organists' London Organ Forum are presenting a one-day event at St. George's Church, Hanover Square on Saturday 3 November. Entitled Hearing Bach's Voice: Organ, Chorale and Passion, the event is a mixture of talks, discussions, a masterclass and a concert. There is even a chance for the audience to join in at the evening concert.

Professor John Butt will be discussing the role of the organist in Bach's time, and Robert Quinney (sub-organist at Westminster Abbey) will talk on structure and meaning in Bach's organ fugues or 'How do Bach's fugues make us feel'. John Butt will also be conducting a masterclass with students from the Royal College of Music.

In the evening there is a concert given by counter-tenor Leo Tomita, the Steinitz Bach Players let by Alison Bury. The programme includes cantatas Vernügte Ruh beliebte Seelenlust and Widerstehe doch der Sünde, chorale preludes, and arias, including audience participation in the chorales!

The event will also be a chance to hear the new Richards, Fowkes and Co organ at St. George's, the first American built organ in a London church. The organ was dedicated on 14 October and James O'Donnell gives the first organ recital on it on Wednesday 18 October.

Further details from

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