Tuesday, 23 October 2012

John Ireland day

John Ireland
The Royal College of Music is holding a one day seminar on the RCM student and professor John Ireland,  John Ireland: English Impressionist, on Saturday 1 Nov 2012. Sessions include Ireland at the College, Ireland and  the Piano and  Ireland and Poetry. The day will look at Ireland's college connections and his whole catalogue of works, Speakers include Paul Spicer and David Owen Norris, with masterclasses from Leon McCawley and Stephen Varcoe. The day-time events conclude with a round table discussion, Ireland Now, with Anthony Payne, Lewis Foreman, David Owen Norris and Jeremy Dibble.  This is followed by a concert of Ireland's songs and piano works. There will also be an exhibition of Ireland's manuscripts.

Further details from the Royal College of Music website. The event is free but tickets are required.

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