This year The Mikado will be directed by James Bonas and conducted by John Andrews, with Tristan Stocks as Nanki Poo, Llio Evans as Yum Yum and Owain Brown as Poo Bah. Madama Butterfly is directed by Jacopo Spirai and conducted by Martin Handley with Verunka Vikova in the title role and with the distinguished baritone John Rawnsely as Sharpless. The two productions run in tandem at the Hackney Empire from 3 - 7 September, then they will also be touring, with performances in Crawley, Wellingborough, Rhyl, Croydon, Bury St. Edmunds and Hastings. There is also a gala concert at the Hackney Empire on 5 September with Rosalind Plowwright under the direction of Stephen Higgins.
The company is entirely self funded and entirely reliant on donations, on box office sales and on contributions from participants to cover costs. This year they started the Co-OperaLottery as an additional fund raising venture; the next draw is on 24 August and participants could win £1000.
Further information from the Co-Opera Co website.
Elsewhere on this blog:
- Win tickets to Live by the Lake, Kenwood
- Dinner opera at the diner - Roma and La Plus Forte
- Dai Fujikura - Flare - CD review
- Edward Cowie - Gesangbuch - CD review
- Svein Helbig - Pocket Symphonies - CD review
- Libera nos - cry of the oppressed - CD review
- Glyndebourne - Hippolyte et Aricie
- OHP - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
- Wigmore Hall - Woodwose
- Strauss - Deutsche Motette - CD review
- Home
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