Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Royal Philharmonic Society largesse

Royal Philharmonic Society 1813-2013 logo
The Royal Philharmonic Society, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year, is distributing over £81,000 to young composers and performers though its Young Musicians Programme. £13,500 goes to young composers with five new works commissioned for performance in 2014, plus the first in a series of ‘mini-commissions’ for student composers. There is £30,000 support for the purchase of new instruments for music students and young performers receive £38,000 towards further study abroad and professional development. The RPS's Young Musicians Programme is designed to reflect the many, and increasing, practical and artistic needs of music students and nascent professionals.

Six composers have been selected by a distinguished jury to write new works for performance at venues in 2014 through the Royal Philharmonic Society’s annual Composition Prize for composers aged under 29. The composers were selected from 86 applicants by the RPS composition prize jury: Unsuk Chin, Tansy Davies and Richard Baker. Receiving £3000 in prize money are composers Michael Cutting, Samantha Fernando, Matthew Kaner (who will write for the Philharmonia’s Music of Today and join the Philharmonic Orchestra’s Young Composers Academy, in partnership with the RPS) and Tom Stewart (who will write a new work for 2014 Cheltenham Festival). A £1000 RPS commission for a piece for piano and clarinet to be performed at Presteigne Festival 2014 has been awarded to Daniel Kidane.

22-year-old Scottish composer, Tom Harrold, will write a new fanfare to be premiered at IAMA Montreal 2013 on 6 November at the Montreal Maison Symphonique and repeated at the opening of the 24th IAMA International Conference on 10 April 2014 in London. The commission is one of a series of RPS ‘mini-commissions’, intended to provide performance opportunities for student composers at the start of their careers.

22 year-old cellist Ariana Kashefi has been awarded £20,000 to enable her to study with Professor Bohorquez at the Hans Eisler Music Academy in Berlin. 10,000 goes to harpist Emily Hoile (the scholarship funded her first two years at New York’s Juilliard School, and this additional award will now enable her to complete her degree – the first ever double award by the scholarship).

Twenty-one young music students will receive grants totaling £30,400 (£7000 more than in 2013). As in previous years, demand was high and the fund was only able to meed 20% of the total funds requested. Grants for music students from all major conservatoires across the UK, will go towards the purchase of a wide range of instruments, including piccolo, French horn, bassoon, violins, double bass, vibraphone, A clarinet, oboe, alto sax as well as a flute head joint and violin and cello bows.

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