Saturday, 24 August 2013

Sinfonia Cymru Curate's Unbuttoned

Sinfonia Cymru - Unbuttoned
Sinfonia Cymru, the Welsh chamber orchestra, is launching a new series called UnButtoned. Described as concert events, these will take place at the Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff and will start on Friday 6 September 2013. Part of an increasing trend with smaller ensembles looking to relax their presentation style, UnButtoned aims to show classical music in an entirely new light, mixing a live score with responsive imagery and improvised electronic landscapes. It seems genuine attempt to re-invent the concert.

The first event promises to be an eclectic mix. Sinfonia Cymru will be working BAFTA-award winning Tom Raybould whose website says he is creating 'an original interactive audio/visual performance incorporating the orchestra, my laptop, triggered visuals and audience participation. I’m really excited about this opportunity to play with a live orchestra again. We’ll be scoring original pieces to play together, which incorporate orchestral scores with contemporary sounds designed by your truly. Gonna be a lot of fun.' Sounds a lot of fun! Also involved will be BAFTA-winning motion and interactive design team Roughcollie. Also involved are  Cardiff’s audio-visual arts collective, Arc Vertiac, and artist, DJ, and VJ Chameleonic. It will feature musicians from Sinfonia Cymu performing solo and chamber works, whilst people can sit, talk and get drinks, a choreographed show of music, sound and interactive imagery, intended as a feast for eyes and ears as the visuals react to the music.

The events are produced by Sinfonia Cymru Curate which was launched in 2013. Curate is a group of musicians, administrators and other creatives who have been given a say on how the orchestra is run. They have programmed a concert series which toured Wales in July 2013 and members of Sinfonia Cymru Curate are responsible for the creation, promotion and delivery of the UnButtoned events, with members of Curate deciding who they want to partner with for each of the events. The first event, on 6 September, will be the first time that Sinfonia Cymru has performed at the Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff. The centre describes itself as an ambitious, multi-artform cultural space based in Cardiff, Wales that presents and produces international art, performance and film alongside a dynamic social space.

Sinfonia Cymru was formed in 1996 with a mission to support young musicians at the start of their professional careers and to tour chamber music across Wales.

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