Monday, 24 March 2014

Roger Wright announced as new Aldeburgh Music chief executive

Roger Wright has been announced as the new Chief Executive of Aldeburgh Music, following on from Jonathan Reekie. Wright is currently the Controller of BBC Radio 3 and Director of the Proms; he will take up his appointment at Aldeburgh in September. Wright has been Controller of BBC Radio 3 since 1998 and Director of the Proms since 2003, during which time he has played a fine balancing act between the forces of popularisation and those who frown at any feeling of dumbing down, with the general view that he has done an excellent job at Radio 3, emphasising live music and strengthening support for young artists, as well as pioneering in digital projects, and building productive partnerships.

Wright started his working life at the old British Music Information Centre in Stratford Place, before going on to spend periods at the BBC (as Senior Producer with the BBC Symphony Orchestra), the Cleveland Orchestra and at Deutsche Gramophon. Jonathan Reekie (who is moving to Somerset House), has done much to revitalise Aldeburgh Music and will be a difficult act to follow. Even more interesting, perhaps, is who the BBC will choose to replace Wright at the head of Radio 3.

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