Monday, 1 September 2014

Nico Muhly premiere at Rhinegold LIVE

Charles Owen - photo credit Jack Liebeck
Charles Owen
photo credit Jack Liebeck
Rhinegold LIVE is Rhinegold Publishing's series of free rush hour concerts. Pianist Charles Owen will be launching the new season of at Conway Hall on 9 September with a programme which will include the London premiere of Nico Muhly's Short Stuff. The event starts with a complimentary drinks reception, followed by Owen's recital which includes music by Mendelssohn, B ach and Debussy and then a Q&A with Owen and Claire Jackson, editor of International Piano magazine completes the evening.

Muhly's Short Stuff was premiered by Jeffrey Kahane in 2009 at the Lincoln Centre in New York. A review of the concert on described the piece as 'a brilliant toccata—with a twist. That twist comes with sudden stops in the middle of the phrase or lines. Not so much Musical Chairs as speed-bumps for the Indianapolis 500.' Sounds fun!

Rhinegold LIVE continues on 10 November with a recital by soprano Mary Bevan and pianist Richard Peirson.

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